Hey every pup,
Thanks for the well wishes on my work at the trial. Sorry, I don't have any pictures to show of my fine work. One of the people was scribing for the judge (writing down the scores) and the other one was helping me look good, so they couldn't snap any pictures.
I didn't win the trial, but I can say that I am still king of the sheep--at least compared to the other pups in my pack. The sheep bow to my great presence; listen when I give a nudge; let me chase them if I get that bug (which happens sometimes--you just can't always control it). My person gave a wordy description of it all on a discussion board. I recognize some of the words she used, like "come bye" and "away", but all that other stuff she wrote about seems like gibberish, so I'll leave you to decipher it if you want to.
I got kinda nervous because my person was a little jumpy. Don't know why, it's not like it was something we'd never done before. Oh, wait, I guess it kind of was. But it didn't seem that different to me.
Anyway, I'm ready to do it again anytime. Hey, wait, I heard there might be some action this week-end. I wonder if I'll get called to the plate.