Hi! Hi! Hi! It’s me, Fox! Doggin bloggin! Got Rafe’s pass word, for Thin Mints! They sed there’s questions! I answer!
!. Your age?
Fox: 2 snows? 4? 1?2. Your age when you came to live with your people?
Fox: 2 snows? 4? 1? Not tellin! Stray Cat Secret!3. What color is the collar you’re wearing right now?
Fox: No color! No collar!4. Who is your favorite person other than the people you live with?
Fox: Visitor lady! [neighbor Moni]5. How much do you weigh?
Fox: 2 bags of flour6. Most expensive thing you’ve every chewed up?
Fox: Can food! Every day!7. Do you like other Dogs?
Fox: If nice! Love dogs!8. Who is your best non-human friend?
Fox: Kyzer!9. Squeaky toys or tennis balls?
Fox: Too big! No10. Do you like to be brushed?
Fox: Yes okay11. Peanut Butter or cheese?
Fox: Cheese, specially with macs!12. Do you people cut your toenails?
Fox: No! Well, yes13. Any formal education?
Fox: Cats dont have school, born with wisdom from Egypt!14. Couch potato or Energizer Bunny?
Fox: Yes! Yes! 15. Five nicknames your people call you:
Fox: Foxy, Foxberry, Billy, Scoundrel, Fluffyboi16. What is your best trick?
Fox: Diggin snakes from box! [getting dog leashes out of basket]17. Do you like kitties?
Fox: Yes, fun!18. What did you have for breakfast?
Fox: Chickin Can Food and smidge venison from dogs19. Can you hunt (i.e. have you ever killed anything)?
Fox: Yes! No body saw. I can jump! High!20. When and why was the last time you went to the V.E.T.?
Fox: While ago. So I could ride in a box in the car21. Where do you sleep at night?
Fox: Best on bed! Feather soft!22. Do you like to swim?
Fox: Get wet?23. Can you make puppies?
Fox: Why?24. Do you give kisses?
Fox: No. I give a bath if I want25. Can you potty on command?
Fox: Why?26. To Cuz or not to Cuz?
Fox: No cuzzing! I am proper polite!