Several folks asked in response to my last blog how my people learned about forced vomiting--or "horka-ing" if you're speaking Dog. Well, they learned about it after Renzo had to spend two days at the emergency vet after he ate a bag of dark Hershey's kisses. For those who don't know, chocolate tastes just as good to us as it does to the people, BUT, it affects us like cocaine does people and we can overdose on it pretty easily. By the time my people got Renzo to the vet, he was completely wired for sound and the vets and the people were pretty worried about him.
When my people told the story to some of their dog friends, the friends told them about the hydrogen peroxide. Before they used it the first time (on me, with the Dobie pad mentioned in previous post), they double checked with their vet (because that's the kind of geeks they are), who verified that H2O2 is a fine emetic (though of course "fine" is a matter of perspective).
On a more pleasant note, we have finally gotten some colder weather--we had some ice (which caused a HUGE limb to fall off one of our trees, but luckily the only damage it did was to explode a bird feeder--it came mighty close to the house, though.
More importantly, our agility lessons are back on the docket--I went Monday night and Tansy and Hamish go tonight. Tomorrow night, Kyzer goes for Kindergarten. Rafe and Renzo are sitting out this round, but they said they didn't mind--it must be an R-name thing. We also got to go work the sheep on Saturday--which was great since we hadn't seen them for a few weeks. They told us rather haughtily that they hadn't missed us a bit. For that, I ran at them extra fast and ignored my person when she told me to "lie down". Sometimes you just have to take the penalty to reinforce proper respect and all. I learned that from watching football.
And just for a gratuitous finish--here's a shot of Rafe and Kyzer sharing a doggie bed. Aren't they sweet? You'd never know what a lug-oaf Rafe is by the looks of him lying there, would you. Thank heavens, I'm around to keep the record straight.