My sister Pippin has been corresponding with all of you for some time. On occassion, I believe that she even mentions me, her handsome, perfect, younger (and did I mention handsome) brother. Today, she is allowing me to speak with my own voice. I am not certain what has transpired between her and the people, but the end result is that on this day you get to hear from me directly.
I also know from reading her correspondence with you that she has referred to me as "goofy." Rest assured, I have my legal team evaluating the degree of libel represented by this coupling of my name with such an adjective, but in the meantime, I also wanted to let you know, personally and from the heart, that I am anything but "goofy", as the image below most certainly attests.

I won't disrespect my elders by talking about Pippin's herding abilities. Our mother taught us that if you can't say something nice, you shouldn't say anything at all and that is a credo I try and live my life by. But, let the record show that I am the king of the sheep.
Most sincerely,
H.B. Moy
P.S. I understand that my sister Pippin is now a TV star. You can see her at Dogs with Blogs TV (if you look carefully, you can even see me in a spot or two)
(This message has been read, and after revision, approved by Pippin, the flyball dog)
That whole ball fixated scene looks waaaay too familiar-- I live it every evening with Pappy.
Pappy's Fella
Hi ya! U defintely is the Sheep King! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
Mucho luv and licks
Marvin Scotsman Dog Blogger and Not A Sheep King.....x
Hey Pippin,
Nothing like some good ol sibbling rivalry:-)
Happy Howl-Oween!
hey moy,
to prove that you are the sheep king, moy you have to show us evidence! maybe a video with all of you herding together or separtely?
wet wet licks
Oh, Hamish! You are sooooooo handsome!
Pippin: Your DWB-TV channel rocks! You're such a star!
Tail wags,
Hi Hamish. Sheep herding sounds like fun. What do the sheep think about it?
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