He was a very cool kitty and taught all of us dogs, plus all the foster dogs, how to play carefully with kitties. He was never afraid of dogs and he didn't put up with any shenanigans from us either.
He was a snuggler and often naughty (He broke many mugs and glasses by pushing them off the counters). He brought a lot of joy to our house and we will miss him terribly.

He is at the Rainbow Bridge now Pippin and will have good times. He was lucky that he had some good time with you though. I have had kitty sibs go to the Rainbow Bridge and I always feel really really sad but then I remember what they contributed to the family group and feel better. Be sure to give your mom & dad lots of hugs & kisses to help them over their sorrow.
Sorry for the loss of your kitty.
I'm so sorry to hear about your kitty cat!
Compassionate tail wags,
Oh Pippin i am so sorry about your kitty. I have a kitty who is 19 years old...we worry alot about her but mommy says I am keeping her young. She likes to box me in the head when i get too close..silly cat. I hope you feel better soon...big slobbery doggy kisses to you and your famly..
Hi Pip, sorry about the loss of your kitty. It is hard to lose a friend. I still miss Louie and we used to fight! But as someone else said he will be waiting for you at the rainbow bridge. You'll see him again.
hey Pippin,
so sorry to hear about the loss of your kitty sibling. :(
i know exactly how you feel because i lost my meowy sibling earlier this year too and i took a long while to get over it.
i'm sure your kitty sibling is in cat heaven now where there's lotsa toys and food, so i heard!
cheer up, pippin!
So sorry to hear about Macchio - big hugs and licks to you and your family Pippin, in this very sad time.
I'm so sorry Pippin. He looked like a good friend.
Awwww... I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your kitty. I've got 4 kitties of my own here and even tho they drive me crazy sometimes I don't know what I'd do without 'em.
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