Copper said awhile ago that I should blog something about my people. Seems like Hershey got this started and lots of pups have been telling stuff about their people. My people are both female people and like most dogs-with-blogs people, their main job is taking care of us pups (and sometimes the kitties, too--but that's really more of a hobby). That's them up there from when they only had Renzo and the kitties. Don't they look deprived? Thank goodness we Border Collies came along to save them.
They trade off giving us our breakfast and dinner and taking us for walkies. The taller, skinnier one takes Tansy, Rafe and Kyzer and the shorter, dumpier one takes me, Hamish and Renzo. That's pretty important work, we think.
But, they also go out in the rolling living room sometimes and bring us back stuff and they want to buy us some of our own land and sheep, as befits dogs of our stature and breeding--so, they talk sometimes about making "money". I think that's kind of like going out hunting. See, they leave and they often say, "O.k. dogs, we're off to hunt and gather. You be good." We're usually not good, but they still come home with stuff for us. And that stuff seems to come from money. Where do they get it?
They both seem to get it from a place called a "university". I think that's kind of related to the word "universe" since sometimes it seems like they spend a LOT of time there.

The other one talks a lot about weird stuff that no dog would ever want to try and understand. She learned how to do it in gradual school, too.
(that's her trying to tell Kyzer about it there--doesn't he look bored?)

They met each other a long time ago in a land far far away when they were both doing something for their gradual schools--something about getting material together to write a really, whopping big, long, boring paper that has something to do with dissing--I don't know who they were dissing, but it seemed to take a long time--that must be why their school was called gradual school.
The one already had Inji, one of our kitties (she just turned 17) and for a long time, she was the only furry friend they had. They lived in several different states and Inji told me that she got put in her box a lot and moved somewhere else. One place had an island and another place had lots of gecko lizards. Then they got an orange kitty, Theka. He was quite a rascal. When they moved to where we live now, they got Theka a kitten so he'd stop pestering Inji, and the kitten turned into Fritz.
So they had three kitties for a while and talked all the time about how crazy it was for people to have dogs since you couldn't do anything if you had a dog--you had to go home all the time and make sure the dog could go out to sniff the flowers. They even used to leave the kitties for several days and just have a neighbor come check on them--can you imagine??
They got Renzo on a total whim one Sat. afternoon in November. They went to the pet store to get kitty food and there was a rescue organization there and they saw him all curled up in a little ball, like this

So, they took him to some classes and started to learn more and more. And then came the monumental decision to get...ME!!! Probably the most important decision of their adult lives. Certainly the one that most of their family and friends identify as the start of their spiral into dog-nuttiness. They haven't even told everyone about Kyzer and he's almost 9 mos. old!!
They also do some other stuff than keep us entertained (though I don't really know why). They like to garden and cook. One of them bakes amazing pies (and we've tried a couple, so we know of what we speak), and the other one bakes a lot of bread. They like to read books and the newspaper. One of them plays on the computer a lot. The other one plays the piano. One of them was a drummer in the marching band in high school and the other one was a representative at Girl's State.
One of them has one sister, who is married with a son, a daughter and a new baby coming in Feb.. The other one has two sisters, two brothers, four nieces, three nephews and one grand-niece. One of them is the oldest in the family and the other is the youngest. One is scared of thunderstorms and one is scared of horses. One has some back trouble that is very ouchy and the other one has bum ankles (she got thrown from a horse and messed her ankle up when she was 8--that's why she's scared of horses now). One of them comes from a military family and was born in Germany (her dad fought in a war that lots of people weren't very happy about--it was far away and the people spoke a different language). One of them didn't talk hardly at all until she was 6 (and she still doesn't talk all that much).
But, really, the most important thing about them is that we love giving them kisses and wagging our tails at them and snuggling with them on the couch, and they seem to like that back.
Wow! What a great post! We learned so much about your people! Renzo really started the ball rolling for them and set them on the right path toward having pups! Way to go, Renzo! (He really does look adorable in his Renzo doughnut!) Is that Kyzer all curled up with your tall biped on the couch?
Thanks for sharing some cool stuff about your bipeds! I'd love to say "ha roo roo roo" at both of them and get them to chase me! I'll bet they'd chase me ... wouldn't they?
Play bows,
PS: I saw some sheeps in a field the other day and thought about all of you!
That was very interesting! Both your people sound very interesting and smart!
Wow-weee your people seem to really be taking a liking to what our dad refers to as the "ball and chain" and what our mom refers to as "sloppy love". Mom says she won't go anywhere without us and dad says he needs a vacation. Your people sure do sound smarty! My momma is starting gradual school in August for Psycho-ology bit I don't think she has to diss anyone at the end, but she has to make a thesorus I think. Sounds like a dinosaur to me. Thanks for sharing!
The Ricky-doo-doo
Phew, my head is spinning from all the clever stuff your people seem to know!
Oscar x
Oh wow I totally didn't understand what your people do but if it makes them money to get you stuff then great. They seem to know a lot though.
I Dare You!
Come and check it out at The Cat Realm!
Your humans are very interesting! Aren't you glad they discovered how much fun dogs are? They sound like very busy and important people, but being the good human companions they are, they always make time for you kids. Yep, I'd say you should keep them!
I don't know what your human finds interesting about sculptures and paintings and stuff. My Human sculpts and makes stuff but I don't see anything at all interesting about them.I think it all looks boring!!! I think her time would be better spent doing stuff with me. But being the good sport I am, I lay quietly on the floor of the studio watching her make her stuff- I'm a saint, I tell ya!
Big Wags,
Pippin and Tansy! Amber and I have given you a "Rockin' Girl Blogger" award! Stop by our blog!
Tail wags,
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