The Dogs of Jackman Ave started a fun game, called MeMeMe. We thought we should play, even though we're about a month behind everydog else. Hamish and I thought we'd start (and we won't tag anydog since mostly everyone's already done it I bet). That us up sharing the dog bed. We're half brother and sister because we have the same mom--Ness Moy. Moy is the name of the kennel we came from in Ontario, Canada. It's about 8 hours away from where we live now. Here's the rest about us:
1. Your age?
Pippin: 3 1/2 (Nov. 8, I'll be 4)
Hamish: almost 2 (Aug. 21)
2. Your age when came to live with your people?
Pippin: 7 weeks
Hamish: 9 weeks
3. What color is the collar you're wearing right now?
Pippin: Pink with big flowers
Hamish: Green with vegetables
4. Who is your favorite person other than the people you live with?
Pippin: My neighbor, Moni
Hamish: I love everybody
5. How much do you weigh?
Pippin: 39 lbs
Hamish: 44 lbs
6. Most expensive thing you've ever chewed up?
Pippin: Snazzy work trousers
Hamish: Expensive, beloved leather boots
7. Do you like other Dogs?
Pippin: Not so much--but if they keep their distance, I don't snark at them
Hamish: you betcha
8. Who is your best non-human friend?
Pippin: Hamish and Rafe
Hamish: I like 'em all, except Rafe
9. Squeaky Toys or Tennis Balls?
Pippin: Tennis balls, but I also like squeaky toys a lot
Hamish: Neither--I like my purple plastic ball
10. Do you like to be brushed?
Pippin: NO!!!!!!!!
Hamish: It's o.k.
11. Peanut Butter or Cheese?
Pippin: Peanut Butter
Hamish: Cheese
12. Do your people cut your toenails?
Pippin: Absolutely not
Hamish: No need
13. Any formal education?
Pippin: Yes, I have a doctorate in Dog Classes--been to too many to count--obedience, agility, flyball, herding. Right now I'm taking herding lessons and agility lessons
Hamish: Yes, two obedience classes, plus puppy kindergarten, several agility classes and herding school
14. Couch potato or Energizer Bunny?
Do you really need to ask?
15. Five nicknames your people call you:
Pippin: Pippy; Pip-a-dip; Pips; Pippikins; Dippy-do
Hamish: Hambone, Hamster; Ham-bam; Bam-Bam, Mishkin
16. What is your best trick?
Pippin: Turn on a light switch
Hamish: Wriggle on the floor like I'm a worm
17. Do you like kitties?
Pippin: Yes, unless they try to jump on me
Hamish: Yes, unless they make weird noises like scratching or hissing
18. What did you have for breakfast?
We all had raw lamb, organs and bones
19. Can you hunt (aka have you ever killed anything living)?
Pippin: An ant
Hamish: No, but just let me at a squirrel. And I almost killed a sheep by running her into a fence
20. When & why was the last time you went to the V.E.T.?
Pippin: Last summer when I had giardia
Hamish: in Dec. when they took my manhood
21. Where do you sleep at night?
Border Collies sleep in crates in the bedroom
22. Do you like to swim?
Pippin: N.O.
Hamish: Not so much
23. Can you make puppies?
Pippin: No
Hamish: I wish I could, handsome as I am
24. Do you give kisses?
Pippin: Yes, many
Hamish: Yes, bruising ones
25. Can you potty on command?
We all potty to "hurry"
26. To Cuz or not to Cuz?
Yes, To Cuz (we have many Cuz options at our house and we love them all)
Roooooo! What a great post! Especially the picture! Hamish, you look so HANDSOME! And Pippin, you look very lovely, as always. And Hamish you look so HANDSOME! Did I say that already?
I like to sleep in my carrier, too - even though there isn't a door on it. I like having a nice den!
Hamish, I wear a green collar, too - only mine is plain, no veggies. Dave says green looks nice on us redheads! We have LOTS in common!
I can't wait to hear about everypuppy else!
It's nice that you share. I don't like to share!
Hey Pippikins,
Cooools stuffs. Up close and dogable.
That giardia stuffs is reeeallys bad. Sorry you had it. My dad had it a long times ago. He was helpin' transports a gorilla to another zoos and he was sicks the whole trip. Does means he's a dog, too?
Nice facts there guys! I like the sound of the wiggly worm trick!
Oscar x
That was great! I enjoyed reading the post. Thanks for sharing more about you!
Hey, thanks for playing!!! And we're coming over to your house for breakfast 'kay? Much better than our boring kibble & salmon.
Sherman, Penny & Lola
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