Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Dona Nobis Pacem

Me and the pack doing our part for peace. DoG knows the humans sure need some help in that area. Peace, pups!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Gram and Gramps (Guest Blog)

Rafe here.

Went on a ride a couple Suns ago. (Odd detour, tell you about that in another post.) Got to see Gram and Gramps. Love 'em. Been to their den several times. Behave like a Gentle Dog, they like that. Course I do, they're Elders and I respect that. Lots of Elders live near them, it's a community. Good place: the Elders can have dogs, or cats. Either way, good.

Gram and Gramps both had some work on their hearts. Had to check on them. They have good hearts, so I'm glad they are taking care. They say they are tired but healthy. Good.

Here's a photo from the warm time. I'm waiting. You can see Gram behind me. Way behind, see an Elder and another pup?

Bark softly, pups.
